About me
Susan Sinclair is a Fraser Coast based artisan cheese-maker and sourdough baker. Susan is passionate about all things cheese, sourdough, sourdough pasta-making, dumpling making and fermented drinks. Susan decided that if someone can make cheese in a little hut on the side of a mountain then she could do it.
In conjunction with her passion for cheese, pasta-making, dumplings and sourdough, Susan is an advocate for sustainability and completed a Bachelor of Sustainability with the University of New England. This degree developed an awareness of sustainable regional development (people, planet and profits). Susan's overall aim is to engage in sustainable business practices.
Susan provides cheese-making, sourdough, dumpling making, sourdough pasta making and fermentation workshops and demonstrations with an aim to transfer her foodie knowledge so people can create their own foodie dream. Classes are relaxing, fun and informative. It’s a great way to introduce people to the art of cheese-making, sourdough, pastamaking, dumplings and fermented foods .